Issuers must validate their cards before the deployment to ensure that the card personalization is compliant with the card profile they reported to the card scheme and the card profile is compliant with the card scheme’s regional requirements. Before the card personalization begins, the card personalization bureau implements the script which downloads the personalization data to the card. This script implementation is a complex task. The script implementation cost is a significant part of the EMV card personalization cost. If the script contains wrong data elements, the cards in circulation may need to be replaced, which causes high expenses and new script implementation requests. The card personalization validation aims to verify the script implementation before any card appears in circulation.
The original method
In the past, Visa issuers had to send test cards to Visa and wait until Visa returned with a letter of approval. This process was time-consuming and expensive. The new method allows issuers to test their cards with a qualified test tool. When the test tool reports the pass status, the issuer can submit the report electronically to Visa. The electronic submission eliminates the multiple rounds in the Visa validation process.
The new way
In 2020, Visa announced the new Personalization Validation Testing (PVT) process, which they called self-service PVT. The Visa Global Personalization Requirements (GPR) specify the validation criteria for use by chip card issuers. Based on the GPR, vendors can develop their tools. Visa issuers can use these tools to test that their cards are correctly personalized before issuance.
The cheapest and fastest approach
Issuers can select CARDSPOT as a third-party provider that executes the tests in a qualified tool and provides the report to the issuer. Then, the issuer or we can submit the result to Visa. The benefit of selecting us is that you don’t have to spend on a tool you use only occasionally. CARDSPOT can execute the PVT on your behalf and lead you to a successful certification. Contact us and see how easy this process could be.
- The CPT 3000v3CL from Barnes International is the FIRST Visa-Qualified Test Tool for Self-Service Personalization Validation Testing with report submission facility
- Barnes International releases a new version of the Visa GPR PVT Module allowing Self-Service PVT Process
- Visa Technology Partner
Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash