Less than one year remained until the payment industry replaces the six digits length of the Issuer Identification Number with an eight digits long version. The payment industry started to work to increase the length of the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), or BIN as it's called in the industry, …
Ohhh. My terminal’s PCI certification expires. What to do now?
In April 2021, all PCI PTS v3.x terminal certificate expires. What should you do in such a situation? PCI First, let's see where is PCI's position in an EMV environment. An EMV card is equipped with a microcontroller. Such a device contains cryptographic keys and generates cryptograms to …
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PKI Key Expiration
EMVCo recommends 1408 bit Payment Scheme keys to expire by 31 December 2024. This recommendation is still active. EMVCo recommendation concerns the keys of the card brands and not the banks themselves. However, this expiration has an impact on the banks. The issuer bank, using the issuer key, …
BIN Extension, new data on the cards
In 2015, the payment industry started to work to increase the length of the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), or BIN as it's called in the industry, from 6 to 8 digits. The 2017 revision of ISO7812 defined the new eight-digit IIN and set up a timeline for the migration. On the card surface, the …
The anomaly with biometric cards
When paying with a bank card at a terminal, the terminal must know how the cardholder should be verified. The verification method could vary card by card, terminal by terminal, depending on what kind of means the payment card and the terminal support. Cardholder Verification Method CVM …